Sunday, November 8, 2009

Macro- Patterning Cycle

Yea! Carb Deplete is gone forever!

This week we will start adding back carbs to replenish the "so call depleted" glycogen stores.

As per Wendy, week 2 is abouut teaching your body to begin regulating glycogen levels. This is to ensure that fat , instead of glycogen can be used as a source of energy.

STarting on Moday we will have three types of days:

B: Baseline day

C: Carb down day

D: carb up day

I think that she should have called the carb down day : D and carb up : C..that's just me

Keep track of what you eat

Eat every three to four hours

Try to eat a minimum of 4 meals daily

Limit portion sizes to the size of your fist

Drink a minimum of 70-80 oz water per day

Continue to eat 1 cup broccoli daily except for D or carb up day

Alcohol is best consumed on a D: Carb up day, and recommended after Week three !

Plan for food passes on special days like Thanksgiving, birthdays, etc. Make sure that you have a C: carb down day before and after the cheat day.

Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

Week 2 Meal Plan:
Mon (C) Tues (c) Wed(B) Thur (b) Fri (c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
Starch amt 1 before 3 1 before 3 2 before 3 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3

Week 3 Meal Plan:

Mon(b) Tue (c) Wed (D) Thur (b) Fri (c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
Starch amt 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3

Week 4 Meal Plan:Alcohol can be added
Mon(b) Tues(c) Wed(c) Thanksgiving Friday(c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
2 before 3 1 before3 1before3 (CHEAT DAY) 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3


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