Monday, November 30, 2009

Hips Don't Lie

Monday morning after Thursday Thanksgiving Day, and (Saturday seconds from Thanksgiving Day) and the tape measure don't lie because the results are in:

1 inch lost from the waist

1/2 inch lost from the left thigh

1/2 inch lost from the right thigh

1/4 inch lost from the hips

Total inch lost: 2 1/4 inches

I knew my clothes were getting less and less tight, and now I know why.

The scale didn't budge up or down which makes me extremely happy. But why, oh why are we slaves to that little instrument that tells you you weigh more than that chart says you should weigh? Okay I'm going to have to really blast some calories this week cause that scale needs to move (down that is) this week.

Perseverance, perseverance and I will conquer that scale. You will too if you watch your diet and exercise. I'm going to take a Body Pump class today so I'll burn some calories (can be up to 600 calories), and work my muscles out.

Check out this website for info on Body Pump.

How did you do over the long Thanksgiving weekend?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Beginnings

Nothing to much happened to me today, but a new nephew was born into the world early this morning. Now I'm not a newborn baby person because I think they mostly look like "little rats", but this little one is absolutely beautiful. Baby Alexander (Alex) is really precious. Shout out to the parents and Grandma Stephanie.

I did walk around my condo complex for 30 minutes after dinner tonight. I got this exercise thing down. Did you exercise today?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Exercise Again

I attended the 8:30 AM Spin class this morning and I'm telling you it was harder to get up and go to this class than it was to go to the 6:00 AM class yesterday. But again the bottom line is - I did it - I went.

Have you exercised today yet? If not, then you have many more hours to do so.

Well my body is telling me it's tired, so tomorrow I'm not going to a class or working out with a trainer, but I will make sure I'm moving like walking more than being still.

Exercise Notes For the Day
This is from an article about Valerie Bertinelli (you know the 49 year old who posed in a bikini recently) in the November 2009 issue of Ladies Home Journal

"Her trainer had her walking up to 20,000 steps a day and she monitored every morsel on her way to a remarkable 123 pounds."

20,000 steps per day? Heck I'm trying to get to and be consistent with walking 10,000 steps per day.

The following about 10,000 steps a day is from this site:

10,000 STEPS A DAY
"10,000 steps a day - pedometer walking program, walking routine, beginning walking, beginner walker"
How many steps do you walk each day?

Maybe you have heard the recent guidelines about walking 10,000 steps per day. How far is 10,000 steps anyway? The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles.

A sedentary person may only average 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. For these people adding steps has many health benefits. I have outlined the basic 10,000 steps program, but also added a commentary below.

A reasonable goal for most people is to increase average daily steps each week by 500 per day until you can easily average 10,000 per day. Example: If you currently average 3000 steps each day, your goal for week one is 3500 each day. Your week 2 goal is 4000 each day. Continue to increase each week and you should be averaging 10,000 steps by the end of 14 weeks.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day After the Big Splurge

Well I ate all that I wanted to yesterday (gumbo, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, collard greens, potato salad...), and I got up and went to 6:00 AM Spin class this morning. I struggled with wanting to get out in the 30 something degree weather at 5:30 AM, but I did it! So from here on it's all downhill - that hardest part of my day is a done deal. Morning exercise is pretty cool - you get it out the way.

Hey I just overheard a segment on The Today Show about a guy who lost some 400 pounds and they said he was "carb cycling". Yall that's exactly what we are doing following, Crack the Fat-Loss Code" book. Another thing they said was he got the support from others. That's also what we are doing here. But I'm beginning to wonder...Where ya at?

So remember the Thanksgiving eating plan? Today is a carb deplete day. You can eat all that left over turkey (but with veggies only). And exercise, exercise, exercise and you should keep those pounds away.

Money I got this...August 2010 it's going to be - back out, in something other than black pants and a top, and some hair I bought. Can you feel me?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eat What You Want Day

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks and have a wonderful time doing whatever it is you will be doing. Enjoy your meal today, and then on Friday and Saturday work it off with some exercise.

I'll be checking to see how you did with your exercise Fri and Sat (and I want you to make me accountable too) so I'll talk to you again soon.

Shopping tip for "Black Friday"
I found this in my email inbox this morning and the sale looks good so check it out.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Week Eating Plan

Remember Mon-Wed this week is carb-deplete eating because Turkey Day (Thursday) we are going to eat what we want, when we want, and how much we want. And then on Fri we carb deplete again. You know we got to get rid of all that sweet potato pie, pecan pie, cornbread dressing, rice dressing, collard greens, turkey, roast, wine, beer...and at my Thanksgiving table in the A-T-L a Louisiana favorite - gumbo....................................

No weight lost this week, but I did lose inches:

Hips: 1/4 inch lost

Left Thigh: 1 inch lost (now my thighs are even:)

Now I'm not advocating doing this, but lost weight and/or inches are possible with eating out. You see last week I ate out at:

Olive Garden for lunch Monday
Mediterranean Grill for dinner Tuesday
McDonald's for breakfast Saturday – I had an Egg McMuffin it’s a great choice on the run for this eating plan
Piccadilly for lunch Sunday

Get moving!

(See Tues Nov 17th post for full Thanksgiving Week Plan)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Got Strapped Today

I got strapped today...No, no not with a gun with a pedometer.

What's the big deal with a pedometer? Well here's the story - The health promotions committee at my church is the recipient of a grant from the Morehouse School of Medicine. Obesity is epidemic in our country (and yeah I'm part of the obesity statistics). Our goal with the grant is to increase physical activity targeting walking as a measure to address the obesity epidemic. So we're using the pedometers to measure our steps until April 2010 when we have a walkathon as our final celebration for increasing our physical activity. So yeah I'm strapped - with a pedometer and my goal is to take 10,000 steps per day.

Best Line of the Day
"I sat in my car outside her house with a gun in my hand and I was going to shoot her for taking my man, but she never came home." WTF...I know people that would do that? Yes I do, and she's a hardworking church girl (and I'm being real, not facetious). You know...I'm so glad old girl didn't come home because I might not have ever known the person I call my friend because her ass would be sitting in jail. Ladies he ain't worth all that. I ain't going to jail for no man and neither should you. As they say in New Orleans - you heard?

Ooh chile...I say next time pick up a pedometer, and not a gun and "walk it out". Check out how you "walk it out" here:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Burn Those Calories

Exercise, exercise, I said before Steph says never miss your exercise class and I didn't. I went to the 8:30 AM Spin class this morning and it was rough. By 9:00 I was ready to "throw the towel in", but I stay and finished the class. It was worth every minute I was there. My legs and heart are getting stronger (Spinning is a big time cardio workout) and I'm burning some major calories.

I found the following question out there in Internet land at:

How many calories will I burn in a Spinning class, and what is the approximate equivalent distance in road miles traveled?
The number of calories you'll burn depends on a number of factors, including your weight and the intensity at which you exercise. Research [Adobe PDF] indicates that on average, participants burn about 400–500 calories in a 40-minute workout. The "distance" traveled depends on cadence; however as an estimate, an average 40-minute class at a cadence of 80–110 rpm is equivalent to approximately 15–20 miles on the road.

Yes I burned some calories today, but check this out this was my 3rd class this week so I really burned some calories. What did you do this week?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Keep it Up

Nothing much to report today. I exercised and ate on the plan except for this evening I strayed, but it's all good. Did you exercise today?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just Lose 25 Pounds

I did have my massage last night and when I got there I hadn't seen my massage therapist since August and much to my surprise she looked skin-nee! I was like, "OMG you look like you weigh 110 lbs". She said, "I just lost about 25 lbs...I was over 200 lbs and I just cut out the sugar, drinking beer, started eating smaller portions, and walking/running intervals on the treadmill". What? She weighed 170 some pounds...I'm telling you she looked like a stick.

So what all I have to do is lose 25lbs and I can look like a stick too? Well not so point is we all have different body types and some people can look like a stick at 175 and some have to weigh 125 to look like a stick.

Do what's right for you, but just do it. Watch what you eat and exercise.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dust, Dust, Dust Everywhere

I was a dusting fool this morning. I mean I started and just couldn't stop. You see I saw dust had accumulated on my tissue holder on the counter in my bathroom and I was like, "Where did that come from?" I mean, I was like, "I dusted just a few days ago...Where is this stuff coming from?" So I just went at it - I dusted on top the fridge, on pictures on the wall, behind the TV...You name it I was dusting it. Then I ran the duster over my hardwood floors. Oh my gosh? I'm not a "nasty person", but you couldn't tell from the dust mop. Moral of the story dust, dust, dust is everywhere so do it often.

I'm just plugging along on my lifestyle journey...Or is that alone? What's going on with the eating and exercising?

Speaking of exercise I think my Spin teacher was possessed yesterday. We had the longest songs to Spin to; I hung in there, except I left before the last song played (okay I did 50 minutes of hard Spin I could miss one song). I left because I was going to meet my neighbors at the Mediterranean Grill - and it was good to. I'm going to Spin again today shortly. What can I say I like to hit it hard. No wait that's, I like to eat so I need to burn those calories. The real treat happens after Spin because I'm going to rush home eat a small meal, shower and then I'm going to have a massage at 9:00 PM - now that's the way to end the day.

Get to exercising.......................................

Today's my mother's 78th birthday. Happy Birthday Mama!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cheat, Eat and Lose Thanksgiving Day Plan

Best Line of the Day
"Miss Carroll is that all your hair? No, it's SIB hair. What's SIB hair? Some I bought."
This was the dialogue between Diane Carroll and Wendy Williams on her show. How you doin'?

Below is the Thanksgiving plan I found on Wendy's site. How does the saying go, "If you fail to plan, plan to fail. Do you Thanksgiving shopping with this plan in mind.

Forever Fit Thanksgiving Weight Loss Plan
Cheat, Eat & Lose

The following holiday plan is designed to allow you to eat what ever you want on your thanksgiving holiday without the worry of gaining any fat and most people experience a weight loss of 2 pounds or more when this plan is followed exactly.

This plan starts on Thursday the week before Thanksgiving.

Thursday – Carb Down day (1 starches with protein meals before 3pm)

Friday – Carb Down Day (1 starches with protein meals before 3pm)

Saturday – Baseline Day (2 starches with protein meals before 3pm)

Sunday - Baseline Day (2 starches with protein meals before 3pm)

Monday thru Wednesday – Deplete Day (no starches) or Carb Down day (1 starches with protein meals before 3pm) - - you choose based on how much you want to cheat if you are new to the boot camp way of life then we suggest deplete days.

Thanksgiving day – CHEAT!!! - Once you get up begin eating, this will keep your metabolism going and allow you to eat enough food. The plan works best if you have small amounts of food every few hours once you rise, until your big meal then OVEREAT!!! (Yes that is what I said). This will force your body into an anabolic response and ultimately help us lose weight. If you don’t know what I am talking about you need to come back to class – HA.

Friday – The Day After: This day is the most important part of the Holiday Plan. – DEPLETE!!! – You must make this a deplete day and cardio activity is suggested first thing in the morning 1 hour if you are capable and have done that before. (just eat lots of leftover turkey right). If you know that you can not deplete this day then don’t do the overeat plan because it will not work to lose weight.

Saturday – Do a Baseline Day (2 starches with protein meals before 3pm) or do a no starch till the last meal and have what you want. You choose - if you are new to the boot camp way of life then we suggest a Baseline Day.

Back to what ever plan you are on.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm So Excited

I'm so excited and I just can't hide
I'm about a pound less and I think I like it...
Wait that's not how that song goes.

Okay here is the deal - I am excited because this morning I got on the scale and measured my body parts naked and was ecstatic with the results. Yes first thing in the morning in the birthday suit (naked - you didn't come in the world with Victoria's Secret on) is the best time and way to measure your pounds and inches. Just get over yourself and do it.

Pounds Lost: 1

Inches Lost:
2 1/2 inches (cumulative)
1 1/2 inches from waist
1/2 inch from each thigh

How did you all do last week? Click on "Comments" (by the little pencil icon) at the end of the post and leave your comments. Let's get this discussion going. I know you are out there. Houston, Dallas, Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Atlanta and anywhere else where ya at?

Check out tomorrow's post because I found a Thanksgiving plan on Wendy's website that says we can overeat on Thanksgiving. Yes you heard right. Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Get Up and Go Chairs

I ate brunch with some friends after church today at this restaurant in College Park, GA called The Pecan and it was delicious. I was very mindful of what and how much I ate. I'm telling you they put these mini corn muffins on the table while you wait for your entree and I didn't have one - I didn't really want one. I'm getting into this portion control thing.

As we were sitting there talking one of the ladies in the group said, "These are get up and go chairs, and my fat butt's not liking them". What? What are get up and go chairs? She said, "You know they are not comfortable chairs because they don't want you to stay around after you eat and talk - they want you to get up and go." I never heard of that one, but I'll be looking out for them from now on.

Once I got up and left I visited with my sisters and then get this - I walked on the treadmill for 60 minutes! That's a milestone for me because I think the treadmill is the most boring thing. But I wanted to get some exercise in so I just sucked it up and did it.

I did pretty good in the exercise category this week because I worked out 2 times doing intervals with a trainer, I went to a Spin class, and I walked on the treadmill twice. Did you exercise this week?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Never Miss Your Exercise Class

Nothing new here...just trying to continue with this lifestyle. I fought hard to not exercise this morning, but I got up and went to Spin class at 8:30 AM. I'm really glad I went. You know it's not in the "doing exercise" because once I'm exercising it's okay. The hard part is the mental fight you have sometimes in getting to class, or going for a walk... Yall know what I mean? That's why it's so important that we support each other in whatever lifestyle stuff you got going on because that person in your mind will surely sometimes talk you out of what's best for you. Keep at it yall.

Stephanie always told me never miss your exercise class and gosh darn it she's right!

Friday, November 13, 2009

End of the Day

It's late and I'm tired, but it's that good kind of tired and I wanted to holla at yall before the day was over. I'm back in that wagon.

I had a great beef and spinach stir fry dish today. I used Bragg Liquid Aminos All Natural All Purpose Seasoning. It's a great alternative to Soy Sauce which is usually very high in sodium. And it really has no carbohydrates - it has 100mg.
1 gram = 1000 milligrams - Now you do the math. It's a great alternative to salt too so use it because it makes the food taste really good.

I'll check with yall tomorrow.

Shout out to Little Miss Tori in San Diego because today is her 1st birthday. Tia Stephanie is celebrating with her there.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fell off the Wagon

I knew it was going to happen; I mean I'm not perfect but today I strayed from the plan. I got a late start on my eating plan today so I was a little messed up. Breakfast didn't happen until 10:30A so the 2nd meal wasn't until 1:30P. My next meal was due 4:30P and I'm still dealing with this sinus drip stuff so I was feeling like some hot chicken noodle soup - so I had it. But then I wasn't satisfied so I ate - you ready for this - a handful of almonds, some chips and salsa and a tablespoon of cashew butter. Damn eating those different things you'd think I was pregnant - please chile I'm not in any way! Dinner was a lettuce, cucumber and grilled shrimp salad. I don't feel like I over ate - I just didn't follow the plan or as Tattoo would say, "The plan...the plan...".

I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow. Like my girl Scarlett would say, "after all tomorrow is another day". Yeah I like Gone With the Wind. What about it? Scarlett had it going on...she was like BIDC (Bitch I don't care). TJ, Money you heard me?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday Morning Life

Got in my car this morning to go meet 2 people for a 10A meeting and my car was like, "What's up? I ain't going nowhere right now." Surprisingly I didn't panic. For whatever reason I was really calm. One of the people I was meeting with was able to pick me up and bring me to and back from the meeting. One thing down.

Once I got home I called Honda Roadside Assist and someone came to give me a "jump" in 25 minutes. Unbelievable quickness. I quickly drove to the dealership to get a new battery. Yes I go to the dealership for my car maintenance. Believe me they are sucking wind real bad so their prices now are unbelievably competitive. There was a waiting room full of customers, but I was in and out of there in no more than 45 minutes with a new battery and an overdue oil change.

After I left the dealership my calmness turned into, "look at the majesty of the universe". You see the weather here today was overcast and misty rainy, but on the way home the beauty of the fall colors against the overcast conditions was just breathtaking.

Not bad for a Wednesday morning that could have turned into a disaster.

Lesson learned from this story - for about a week my car was trying to tell me I needed a new battery (and I was overdue for an oil change) because you see when I would start her she would sputter a bit. Of course I ignored it and went on about the busy life we think we have. Well she (my car) had to slap me up side the head to get my attention. Listen to your car when she whispers to you.

Meal Tip for Today
Instead of having 1 meatball as the menu suggest break up the meatball and make it meat sauce by mixing it with the marinara sauce. This way instead of your meal seeming like it's just 1 little meatball it becomes a plate full of pasta with meat sauce. It's like the volumetrics concept.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wendy's Crepe

I wasn/t feeling that crepe this am!

Muffin Top

I'm liking what I'm seeing in the mirror. Yeah I stand in the mirror naked and look at my body. You know you do too, and if you don't ya should.

Now don't get me wrong here yeah I had great success last week, but I have a long way to go in the number of pounds to lose. But I'm liking the results from the steps I'm taking to get to my goal. Chile please, my muffin top is disappearing as the days go by. Hollis I can't jump in the cake batter thing with you just yet, but I'll have some soon enough - make mine chocolate!

Breakfast - Wendy's Crepes
I was suspect about how the Wendy's Crepes recipe was going to taste, but I had it this morning and it was good. See the recipe under the post Stephanie did on Sun Nov 8th. Add some cinnamon to it - really good.........

Healthy Tip of the Day - Cinnamon because it's:

Thermogenic - raises body temperature, thereby helping it to burn fat efficiently rather than storing it as fuel.

Blood-Sugar Stabilizer
Known for steadying your blood sugar, which serves to curb your appetite and prevent the fatty deposits that are part of "insulin resistance".

This tip comes from the book "The Fat Flush Foods" by Ann Louise Gittleman. Chile I told yall I have over 20 "diet" books.

Monday, November 9, 2009

You Go Girl!

Congrats Susan. Yes, I think we all have a little body dysmorphia going on! WE don't look as bad as our minds tell us we do. I think that it's hard surrendering youth. Anyway, we can't be too skinny moving into our silver years, but we can eat the healthy way.

By the way, last I heard, Wendy Chant is dying of Stage 4 Colon Cancer. Yall can check out the website at It was about 40 dollars per month, so I opted for the book.

Last Week's Accomplishments

Well, some of us have completed 1 week, others are just starting. Cudoos to everyone!

Please post your accomplishments from the past week. It does not have to be weight loss. For one, I'm sleeping better, probably because I am not consuming sweets/choc at night. I think that eating adequately during the day and eating a decent meal prior to bedtime has saved me from the later evening snacking that has been sabotaging my efforts for years! I lost about 4 pounds, (maybe 1-2 more), I did not weight myself last Monday morning.

Fanstatic Monday

Drum roll............Here are my results from the 7 day Carb-Deplete Cycle last week -

Pounds Lost: 8

Inches Lost: 2 (cumulative from my waist thighs and hips)

Shooot so far I'm liking Wendy Chant and her Crack the Fat-Loss Code. Wendy where you at? Do you read our blog?

Yall I had a plan, I stuck with it and it works! How did you do?

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity." - Louis Pasteur

The Lighter Side of Monday
I had a very busy weekend and I didn't get to shop for the stuff I needed to start this week with so I went to the grocery store early this morning. Now I don't know about you, but I'm rarely at the grocery store in the morning, but if you've ever gone then and I suppose especially on Monday morning (you know after everyone has depleted the store over the weekend) there's a lot of activity going on with the managers checking out their departments, people stocking shelves...So I'm just quickly shopping (because I've got to get home and eat my breakfast Power Oats, and one of the store managers comes over to me and says, "I just want to tell you that you have a way about you that attracts men, you have a pretty smile, a pretty face and a nice body". I couldn't help but smile and say thank you. And that was the end of the conversation - a genuine compliment.

Nice body! Dude do you how much I weigh and how hard a struggle it is to lose weight (especially this last week)? No, he doesn't and probably doesn't care either because he liked what he saw and told me just that. My point here is - sure we want to change our body (lose weight, inches...), but we also need to look in the mirror, smile and compliment ourselves too.

Have a great safe day.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Shopping list

All the stuff from last week plus:

tomatoes ( counted as vegetables)
Low sugar jelly or jam
portobello mushrooms
oatmeal, quick or old fashioned
bagel or English muffin
Fruits: berries, apples, grapes, cantaloupe, orange, peach, tangerines
Reddi-whip spray (i will use in my coffee)
Whole wheat bread - I like the the Oro Wheat Flat breads
Sweet potatoes
Ezekiel Bread (allowed on Carb down Days and baseline days)
Dijon Mustard
Wasabi powder
almonds or walnuts
Black or red beans

I'll post some other P/V/O and P/S/V recipes later this week

Macro-Patterning Sample Carb Up Day (D)

Meal 1
Eggs on Bagel
1 egg plus 3 egg whites
scrambled and served on 1/2 bagel

Meal 2
1/2 cup cottage cheese with any fruit

Meal 3
Chicken Caesar Salad
3-4 oz chicken on large lettuce
cucumber/lettuce salad with
1 tbsp olive oil with vinegar
and croutons

Meal 4
S/A or A
6 in Roast beef and Swiss sub sandwich on
wheat bread and 1 small bag chips

Meal 5
1-2 slices pepperoni pizza
No extra cheese (don't stuff)

Macro-Patterning Cycle -Sample Carb Down Day (C)

Meal 1

Power Oats
1 serving quick or old fashioned oats
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 pkts sugar sub
Cinnamon and/or low sugar jam

Meal 3
Tomato stuffed with 3-4 oz
tuna, dill, and diced celery
salad with cucumber and 1 tbsp
extra virgin lite Olive oil/viegar

Meal 4
Crispy lettuce Wrap
2-3 oz turkey breast and cheese rolled
with fresh romaine leaves

Meal 5
4 oz filet Mignon
1 cup broccoli
cucumber/lettuce salad

Meal 6
Orange Dream Protein Shake

Baseline Day Sample Meal Pattern

Meal 1

Wendy's Crepe
1 whole egg plus 3 egg whites
1/4 to 1/2 cup oatmeal
2 pkt sugar substitute
1 heaping teaspoon protein powder
2 tbsp water
Place egg and egg whites, oatmeal, sugar sub. protein powder in a bowl;combine and add water as needed to make a smooth batter. Add to skillet like pancakes, cover, let it set up then flip. Turn off heat , put lid back on, add cinnamon on top, use sugar free syrup or jam

Meal 2
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Meal 3
Wendy's Turkey Burgers on Un-buns
4 large portobello mushroom caps
1 tbsp extra virgin oil
1 package ground turkey breast
Italian Herb seasoning
Baby Spinach Leaves
1 tomato diced
4 servings

Meal 4
Choc raspberry shake
25 g choc protein powder in 10-12 oz crytal lyte

Meal 5
4-6 oz seared chicken with Cajun spices
1 cup green beans with garlic powder
Tomato/Cucumber salad with olive and vinegar

Meal 6
1 serving sugar free gelatin with
1 tbsp reddi whip

Substitution Lists Cont

Type FF

Artificial Sweetener
Sugar Free Coffee
Crytal Lyte Drink Mix
Diet Soda
Fudgesickle (1)
Hot sauce
Pam or substitute
Powdered spices
Soy sauce
Sugar Free gelatin
Sugar Free Tea
Worcheshire sauce

Substitution Lists

P: Protein, consume at every meal

Chicken Breast
Cottage Cheese
Egg Whites
Fresh fish, salmon, trout
Lean Beef
Protein Shake
Turkey Breast

S: Starch
black or red beans: 1/2 c cooked
Oat meal (1/2 dry)
Cream of wheat/rice (1/2 dry)
Ezekial Bread (2 sl)
Grits (1 serv per pkg)
Potato (1/2 med, 1 small, or 6-8 oz)
Carb-down (c) days one starch with one protein before three
Baseline (b) , 2 starches with a protein before three


NO carrots, corn, peas, or beets except on carb up days

A: fats 1-2 times daily
Canola Oil
Essential Fatty Acid Supplement
Flaxseed oil
Olive Oil

Minimize Bad fats to less than 20 gram daily
fatty red meat
Salad Dressing
Limit the amt of fat you eat at meals containing starchy carbs

Type A Fruit and Substitutes
Apple (1 med)
Banana (1 med)
Berries (1 cup)
Cantaloupe (1/2)
Grapefruit (1/2)
Orange(1 med)
Peach (1 med)
Tangerine (1 med)

Type SA: Sweets and alcohol

Alcohol* Week 4
Cake* Week 4
French Fries
Ice Cream*
Sugary Pastries* Week 4

For best fast lost results, limit alcohol to one of the carb up days after week 3

Macro- Patterning Cycle

Yea! Carb Deplete is gone forever!

This week we will start adding back carbs to replenish the "so call depleted" glycogen stores.

As per Wendy, week 2 is abouut teaching your body to begin regulating glycogen levels. This is to ensure that fat , instead of glycogen can be used as a source of energy.

STarting on Moday we will have three types of days:

B: Baseline day

C: Carb down day

D: carb up day

I think that she should have called the carb down day : D and carb up : C..that's just me

Keep track of what you eat

Eat every three to four hours

Try to eat a minimum of 4 meals daily

Limit portion sizes to the size of your fist

Drink a minimum of 70-80 oz water per day

Continue to eat 1 cup broccoli daily except for D or carb up day

Alcohol is best consumed on a D: Carb up day, and recommended after Week three !

Plan for food passes on special days like Thanksgiving, birthdays, etc. Make sure that you have a C: carb down day before and after the cheat day.

Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

Week 2 Meal Plan:
Mon (C) Tues (c) Wed(B) Thur (b) Fri (c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
Starch amt 1 before 3 1 before 3 2 before 3 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3

Week 3 Meal Plan:

Mon(b) Tue (c) Wed (D) Thur (b) Fri (c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
Starch amt 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 2 before 3 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3

Week 4 Meal Plan:Alcohol can be added
Mon(b) Tues(c) Wed(c) Thanksgiving Friday(c) Sat (d) Sun(b)
2 before 3 1 before3 1before3 (CHEAT DAY) 1 before 3 Last 2 mls* 2 before 3


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Plan, Plan, Plan...

Yes today is my birthday and I stayed strong...well let's say I didn't eat anything off the plan, but I didn't have everything I was supposed to have on the plan either. So what I'm saying is when you have a busy day like I did today, you've got to plan ahead big time.

It's all good though...thanks all for the birthday greetings. I'm going to be much slimmer for my next BD.

Holla at cha later

P.S. Girl you know I don't like no vodka...but champagne - yeah you right!

Saturday- It's Your BIrthday!

Happy Birthday Susan, have a blessed year!

Girl you know you've got to be strong, I'd be on my second bottle of Vodka by now if today was my b-day. You go girl!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lost Weight?

Has anyone lost any weight?

Let's try to post how may pounds we lost sometimes on Sunday/Monday am

Going Home

Just ate my supper for my lunch as I am going home. I eat a salad on the plane. Wish me some fortitude in eating the "right way." Home is hard--good times and partying!

So far, I only "cheated once" on purpose. I ate a pecan, because everyone around me was eating them.

I usually hate Monday's, but I'll be happy to see this one.

Look for the shopping list either Sat or early Sunday.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Support Support Support

Help where ya at, where ya at? I haven't strayed from carb depleting yet, but my mind is straying.........

I'm not hungry because like Wendy says I eat every 3-4 hours and what I eat is's just those lifestyle habits I'm use to - like letting my feelings get in the way of why I'm really eating fuel my body, and not because it's some good old chocolate thing. Yall know what I mean?

Well I called in support and talked it out and she told me to hang in there and keep my eye on the prize. I'm hanging............

Got to go eat my salmon, broccoli and cabbage. Damn a pumpkin spice custard from Sheridan's sure does sound good right about now. Oh that was last week, not this week.

How in the hell do people do stuff like walk across hot coals? Okay, okay...focus, focus, focus.

I'm going to reach my goal - yes I and we can!

Gross Subject, but Useful Tip of the Day
Per Dr Oz or The Doctors TV Show (can't remember which one because I watch them both), before you flush the toilet PUT THE SEAT DOWN. Here's the deal - when you flush with the toilet seat up the spray of 20 feet. They did an animation on the show and it was like ooh gross it's all over your counter and stuff. I'm the toilet seat police so when I go to your house if I see the seat up I'll know you're not putting the seat down when you flush. And you thought the seat down thing was only applicable in the middle of the night after your man went to the bathroom.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hump Day

We made it - this is the end of day 3 - hump day...What the hell is hump day...Who made that up?

Wendy says it takes a full seventy-two hours-three straight days-to deplete the body of glycogen. "We do it so that if no glycogen is present, the body will learn to go get fat. Fat will be its only source of energy. Now the body has a reason to go find fat.

Okay stop the BMW-ing (Bitching, Whining and Moaning) because I see my girl Steph hooked yall up with the goods for the next 4 days. Get with the program!

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity." - Louis Pasteur

My Wednesday was good -
I had the Wendy's Egg Cheeseburger again - Cest si bon! I had a new recipe today the Tasty Turkey Taco Salad - really good.

My protein shake was good too. I made it with French Vanilla protein powder, Crystal Light Sunrise Natural Classic Orange blended with several ice cubes. It was like eating a cool frothy dessert.

Also on the menu today was a flu shot. Not the H1N1 kind, but the regular one. Have you had yours yet?

Carb Deplete Sunday- Finally

Meal 1
Wendy's Egg Cheeseburger

Meal 2
1/2 c cottage cheese

Meal 3
Chef Salad:
3-4 oz turkey or chicken breast
2 oz cheese
1 hard oiled egg
lettuce/cucumber w/
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and

Meal 4
Mocha Protein Shake

Meal 5
4-6 oz Grilled chicken
1 cup broccoli
lettuce and cucumber salad with
olive oil and vinegar or full fat dressing

Meal 6
Chocolate raspberry shake:
1 scoop protein powder (choc) added
to 10-12 oz Crystal Light Raspberry Drink

Carb Deplete Saturday

Meal 1
Mocha Protein Shake

Meal 2
3 oz Turkey roll-up

Meal 3
Chicken Caesar Salad:
3-4 oz chicken on
large lettuce and cucumber
salad w/ 1 tbsp olive oil
and vinegar

Meal 4
Orange Dream Protein Shake

Meal 5
4-6 oz fillet Mignon w/
1 c broccoli
Lettuce and cucumber salad
w/ 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and
vinegar or full fat dressing

Meal 6
1/2 c cottage cheese

Carb Deplete Friday

Meal 1
Mushroom and Spinach Omelet

Meal 2
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Meal 3
3-4 oz tuna on
Large lettuce and cucumber
salad w/ 1 tbsp real mayo

Meal 4
Mocha Protein Shake

Meal 5
4-6 oz roasted turkey breast
1 cup broccoli
Lettuce and cucumber salad w/
1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar or
Full Fat dressing

Meal 6
Scrambled eggs:
1 whole egg plus 2-3 egg whites, scrambled
and topped with cheese

Carb Deplete Thursday

Meal 1
Mushroom and Spinach Omelet

Meal 2
3 oz turkey roll-up with cheese

Meal 3
Chicken Caesar Salad
3-4 oz Chicken Breast on
Large lettuce and cucumber
Salad w/1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar

Meal 4
Orange Dream Protein Shake

Meal 5
4-6 oz Grilled Salmon
1 cup broccoli
Lettuce and Cucumber Salad w/
Olive Oil and Vinegar or
Full Fat Dressing

Meal 6
1/2 c cottage cheese

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your Body Needs Food to Survive

Wendy says, " Your body needs food to survive. In fact, your body always thinks the last thing you ate is the last thing you'll ever eat. The human body is a machine based on survival. It doesn't eat because food tastes good, looks good, is cooked by a world-renowned chef, or is served at a five-star restaurant. Your body eats for the same reason it does everything else: to survive. Stop being emotional about food. To crack the fat-loss code and break through your diet plateau forever, you must begin thinking of the body as a machine and the food as fuel. Period end of story. When we take away the emotions from how we look or what we eat, at least for now, it becomes so much easier to look at fat loss logically".

Reading and writing that was like a brick hit me "upside the head". You see, I sure do love eating food (lots of it), and I rarely think of it as just fuel to fill my tank. I like stuff like a good, something chocolate, and gooey; I like a big plate of pasta, and a nice well done ribeye steak. Wow I can't tell you how many times I've eaten and really not been hungry.

I'm slowly changing my ways - my lifestyle. I feed the hungry (most are homeless) at lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm thinking...they don't eat because it's just there...they eat because they don't know where their next meal is going to come from. Unfortunate as their circumstances might be, they have it right - they are simply eating to fuel their bodies - they eat for survival.

I'm going to eat food because it's the fuel my body needs. I'm going to reach a healthy weight. I'm going to need all the support I can get.

Yep "This Is It" and that's me and my sister checking out Michael Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame July 2009. I'm the one in the what - but of course black pants and a top.

Feeling Good (Ha!)

Well I was feeling pretty good about yesterday when I realized that I had some hidden carbs in the Truvia Sugar substitute that I was adding to my coffee and also the protein shake. Come to find out, it has 3 carbs per packet. I discussed this with my "Real Dietitian" friend. She said that the carbs come from a sugar alcohol and that I could count it as 1.5 carbs because the sugar alcohol is not digested.

I actually threw away my so called "low carb coffee" this am after taking to Susan. When you only have 20 carbs a day, everything counts! I think that I will do without my coffee this week or switch to the mocha shake in the am.

Anyway, it really was not too bad, except for getting in that last meal 2 hours before I go to sleep. I'm working on eating earlier.

Wednesday's Menu

Meal 1
Wendy's Egg Cheeseburger

Meal 2
1/2 cottage cheese

Meal 3
Tasty Turkey Taco Salad
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 onion chopped
1/2 pound ground turkey
1/4 tsp oregano
3/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 small canned stewed tomatoes , drained
1 packet sugar substitute
1 oz cheddar cheese, grated
romaine lettuce

heat oil in skillet, add onions and saute, add meat, drain fat and add seasonings
mix well, add tomatoes and sugar substitute. Uncover and cook 5 minutes. Serve over lettuce
Makes 2 servings (4 carbs)

Meal 4
Orange Protein Shake

Meal 5
4-6 oz Cajun Grilled chicken\1 cup broccoli
Lettuce and Cucumber salad with olive oil and vinegar or full fat dressing (count carbs)

Meal 6
Choc Raspberry Shake
add 1 scoop choc protein powder to Crystal light raspberry drink

Monday, November 2, 2009

Life is Good All Day Monday

I've finished all my meals for the today (I had 5) and all is good. My favorite meal was the "Wendy's Egg Cheeseburger". It must be named after Wendy Chant who wrote Crack the Fat-Loss Code. Try it you'll like it.

I'm doing this...I'm in it to win it. You with me?
Yall are mighty quiet, how's the day going?

Tuesday's Menu

Meal 1


Mushroom and Spinach Omelet
1/2 c sliced mushrooms
1 whole plus 3 egg whites
Handful fresh spinach or 1/4 c frozen
light sprinkle of chesse

Meal 2
3 oz turkey roll up with cheese

Meal 3
Chicken Caesar Salad
3-4 oz chicken breast in
Large lettuce and cucumber salad/
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and vinegar

Meal 4
Mocha Protein Shake
8-10 oz water
4-10 ice cubes
1 heaping teaspoon instant coffee
1-1.5 scoops choc protein powder

Meal 5
4 oz sirloin steak with mushrooms
1 cup broccoli
lettuce and cucumber salad with
1 Tbsp olive oil and full fat dressing

Meal 6
1/2 c cottage cheese (full fat)

P: protein
V: vegetable
O: fat

Measure please!

Shopping List and Initial Menu

Alright, I'm going to let yall get started on the shopping list:P: Protein4% Fat Cottage CheeseSalmon/HslibutChicken/Turkey Breast (if you get the processed ones check out the carbs, they put sugar in everything)TunaLean BeefGround Turkey/Beef (lean)EggsEgg WhitesV:Broccoli (4 carbs/cup)Asparagus (2 carbs/cup)Cabbage (1 carb/cup)Celery (0)Cucumber (0)Lettuce (0)Spinach (1 carb/cup)O: Fatmayoolive or flaxseed oilCheese ButterMSc:apple cider vinegarcrystal Lite drink mix : orange pineabbleinstant cofee mixFull Fat salad dressing (Count carbs)Rules: 1 st week: no more than 20 carbs per day.Some of you may need more if you feel too weak/tireddrink 8 8oz glasses of water dailyEat every 3-4 hoursEat 4-6 meals dailyWrite down every thing you eatCount the carbs Coffee with sugar sub is okDay 1 menu will follow. If you don't like it use the lists to substitue foods that you like.
Sunday, 01 November, 2009

Stephanie said...
Sample meal: Day 1Meal 1P/O: Protein/FatWendy's egg cheeseburger1 egg + 3 eggwhites1.5 oz lean ground beef.5 oz cheeseMeal 2P/O: Protein/Fat1/2 C Cottage cheseMeal 3P/V/O: Protein/Vegetable/Fat3-4 oz chicken on large lettuce leafcucumber salad with 1 T olive oilMeal 4P/VOrange Protein Shake8-10 oz orange pineaple crytal lite drink or any flavor4-10 ice cubes1-1.5 scoops protein powderBlendMeal 5P/V/O: Protein/Veg/Fat4-6 oz salmon or fish: grill/bake/broil1 cup broccolilettuce and cucumber saladFull Fat Dressing (count carbs)Meal 6P/OMocha Protein Shake8-10 oz water1-1.5 scoops choc protein powder1 tsp instant coffeeBlenderize
Sunday, 01 November, 2009

Stephanie said...
This week will probably be the hardest. The goal, deplete glycogen stores. Glycogen (found in our muscles) is our body's storage form of energy. The purpose is to try to divert our fuel burning to those stubborn fat stores that we can't usually get to. Some of us may need to eat a little more. Trust me..if we can keep the carbs down anyway near 20 grams, we will be doing great! After this week, the rest of the 8 don't appear to be that bad!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last Meal

Did somebody ask what I wanted for my last meal? I don't think so...but today it sure felt like they did. You see tomorrow we are starting a lifestyle change (wink, wink - code for the 4 letter word diet) so today I ate anything and everything I wanted. It was good, but ugh I'm really tired of eating - bring on tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best line of the day - "I was hoodwinked, bamboozled and led astray". You know who you are who said it...and girl I believe ya...I think you were too. Go on Malcolm X.